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  • Student leadership training opportunities
  • Advisor support and professional development opportunities
  • Service opportunities
  • Civic engagement opportunities
  • Statewide networking opportunities for both students and advisors
  • Opportunities to excel through awards and competitions
  • Personal growth opportunities
  • Opportunities for fun and lifelong friendships!

Statewide Events

Fall Leadership Workshops occur each fall in various locations around Illinois. Student and advisor sessions encourage networking, the sharing of ideas, leadership skill-building, and fun. Each workshop features varied, specialized topics including Communication, Public Presentations, Group Dynamics, Team Building and Leadership Styles.

The IASC Annual State Convention is focused on learning and leadership development, however it’s a tremendous opportunity for delegates to renew friendships with individuals they’ve met at other IASC events while having fun. Advisors and students present small-group workshops on a breadth of leadership topics. Roundtable discussion sessions are popular for networking, picking up valuable tips, and sharing practical strategies with one another. Throughout the convention, candidates campaign for IASC state office and the new officers are elected.

National Leadership Training Opportunities

Each summer IASC sends a state delegation to the VISION Student Leadership Conference, held in a different city each year. There they network and interact with student leaders and advisers from every U.S. state and a number of foreign countries. It’s a unique and balanced experience that celebrates and enriches student leadership while providing memories of a lifetime.

Service and Civic Engagement

IASC service and civic engagement activities throughout the year include a statewide service project and activities that focus on issues such asdangers of drug and alcohol abuse, "green" initiatives, social networking dangers, anti-texting and driving, and more.


The IASC Reporter is the online newsletter of the IASC, published quarterly, that contains the latest IASC news, project ideas, and tips for running a successful Student Council.